Tribute to Bart West

’lyn Nye (From 700 Wing Newsletter January 2025)

Heartbroken this week to learn of the passing of one of my favourite people, the wonderful Bart West. Bart served as Honourary Colonel of 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron for 8 years and quite simply, is beloved at the Squadron.

Bart recommended me for the Honourary Colonel position after him, and gave me some of the best advice. I
was nervous and I knew I had his big shoes to try to fill. I asked him, “Bart what do I do?” and he simply said “be there”.

“Be there,” meant showing up for as much as possible, not just for the shiny things.

Be there, when your members are in the field, be there when shit is hitting the fan, be there for the celebrations, be there to learn about people, listen to people and embrace the role with fervor and dedication.

That is what Bart did and why he is a legend at 408 Squadron. Bart never stopped “being there.” His smile lighting up the room!

Bart’s death will have a profound impact on many members past and present, but most importantly his life has had a profound impact on us all. The way he took time to get to know people, the warm smile and laughing eyes that always greeted us, his commitment to service, the fact he was always willing to “be there.”

It’s a lesson I hope we can all take as we move forward without him. Now more than ever, “be there” for the people in the world that matter to you, get to know those you don’t know, take time to listen and learn, love your family, live life with kindness, grace and charm and give back to the community.

Bart showed us how to do that.

I will miss you my friend.

For Freedom!

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