2024 Association AGM – Election

Per the bylaws, an AGM will have to take place this fall. A date and agenda will be promulgated within the next few weeks.

I want to use this early opportunity to express my desire to step down as chair and would like to canvass our members for potential interest into the role. As in any such type of organization, nominations (self nominations too!) would be much appreciated.

I would also like to provide ample notice to think of ideas, suggestions or questions you would like to put forth for discussion at (or before) the AGM. I would be very receptive to proposals to make this Association more engaged with the Sqn’s alumni, current members and the community.

On Behalf of 700 Wing:

Upcoming Events — 700 Wing RCAF Association

Spread the Word!

The executive committee has worked hard over the past year reaching out to former 408 members, previous Association annual members as well as updating our current members’ list. If you are aware of someone who should be included in the distribution list and isn’t (i.e.: once paid for lifetime membership but are not receiving updates), please let me know. Also, please don’t hesitate to invite members to join in.

Joining is easy through www.canadahelps.orgFind the RCAF Association and once on that page, use the drop down menu to find 408 Goose Squadron Association. Through these means, a $100 donation get you both a lifetime membership AND a tax receipt!

Best regards to all,

Major Sylvain Lapierre, CD

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