Shoran Project

The following pictures have been donated by Ron Blessin for use on this website. If any one wishes to contact Ron Blessin he can be reached at the address below

Ronald Blessin (Ann)

2120 E Woodhaven Place

Springfield, MO 65804


4 Thoughts to “Shoran Project”

  1. charles bachman

    what happened to all the shoran site pictures, seems to me they represented the reason and work load assigned to the 408 squadron, photo squadron and the decitication to Geo,decict Canada

    1. association

      issues with plugin. it has been fixed

  2. ronald blessin

    I’m now back in Arizona again.
    Ronald Blessin (Ann)
    10424 W Sands Dr
    Peoria AZ 85383

  3. Ronald Blessin

    Please update my e-mail address above. It’s now: All else is unchanged. Thanks – Ron

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