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201 entries.
pete stevens pete stevens wrote on June 4, 2018
Hi Guys I thought that I would let you Know that The Book Station of Nations The History of RAF Balderton is now available through the RAF Balderton Research Group. It is receiving great reviews and sales are going great.
pete stevens pete stevens wrote on April 13, 2018
On Sunday the 8th April the RAF Balderton research group held a reunion for all the families of those who served at the Airfield and I have some photo\'s I would like to share with you. We had 2 families of former 408 Squadron aircrew at the event which was attended by over 70 people. We have planted a Red Maple in the memorial garden at Newark Air Museum and we have a plaque placed on a small piece of the runway and we had a service by the tree and I laid a wreath in commemoration of 408 Squadron RCAF with photo\'s of 2 air crew who gave their lives during 1942, they were F/Sgt Clarence Henry Finkbeiner who lost his life in Hampden AE297 EQ-F on the 09/05/1942 and WOII Lionel Greer Chaston who lost his life in Hampden P1244 EQ-Y on the 27/08/1942
Jeff Smith Jeff Smith wrote on December 22, 2017
Many great memories of Rockcliffe as a very young boy. My father was Sgt. WJ Smith (Hangar Line) 55-61
Peter R Sweetzir Peter R Sweetzir wrote on November 18, 2017
My father was a member of the RCAF, 408 Squadron. His plane was shot down and he was taken prisoner. The only information I have is the incident report of 2357 Hrs 1/1/44 when LLC631 EQ-G was hit. My father S R Sweetzir was in Stalag 357. There were more than one of these as the records show two locations. Kopernikus and Oerbke? Would like to touch base with other offspring of the surviving aircrew. My father was the tailgunner,so I am living proof the Luftwaffe didn\'t get them all! He never spoke of his ordeal. Also,I don\'t know what the two bars on his Europe Aircrew Medal were for? Fascinating stuff! cheers, Peter Sweetzir
Mick Stacey Mick Stacey wrote on November 11, 2017
I am trying to find out more about the R .craven crew of the 408 squadron as my grandfather Sgt George mason is seen pictured on the far left with the crew with the nose art Vicky the vicious virgin ,
Erik Wieman Erik Wieman wrote on November 9, 2017
Dear all. My name is Erik Wieman from Germany and I am co-founder of IG Heimatforschung Rheinland-Pfalz / Historical Research Community Rhineland-Ppalatinate, Germany. I spoke to an eyewitness of WW2 in Leistadt and found the crash site of Halifax NP711 / 408 Sqn RCAF. It exploded on impact on a hillside not far from Leistadt/Germany. We already found many small pieces of the aircraft, laying on the surface. The crew, 6 Canadians and one englishman were KIA. We are still at the beginning but we plan to excavate the site in 2018. After the excavation we plan a memorial at the crash site. We would like to contact the descendants of the crew and in many cases we can find the families of all crew members, hopefully also in this case. If anyone could help us with pictures, documents etc. this woukld be very much appreciated. Kind regards from Germany Erik Wieman
Jan Nieuwenhuis Jan Nieuwenhuis wrote on October 20, 2017
Hello all, Some weeks ago my new website \"World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in The Netherlands and North Sea\" was launched. The database connected to this website now holds the detailed information on 1359 crashed aircraft (of which 9 of 408 Sqn), 6435 crew members, and 622 cemeteries/memorials... Just have a look at Any comments/corrections and/or more data is most welcome... Jan (John in English 🙂
Chris Sturgess Chris Sturgess wrote on August 15, 2017
Dear members of 408, I\'m hoping that someone may be able to help me in information concerning the Handley Page Halifax in which my Uncle lost his life. The aircraft was EQ-P (JD 216) The crew members were- F/O H.B Lancaster,SGT.J.J Stefanchuck, SGT.J.M McDonald,SGT. W.R Byans,SGT.G.V Reid,SGT.J.H.C McChung,F/O J.W Richardson and my Uncle(Tail gunner) J.W Sturgess. Their aircraft F.T.R from a raid on Gelsenkirchen in the Ruhr Valley on the night of 10th/11th of July 1943. As I now have many varying Halifax model kits to make the variant of whatever Mk B 2 EQ-P was. If anyone can help,I\'d be very thankful as I\'d like to build a true representation.
Kristof Jacobs Kristof Jacobs wrote on May 17, 2017
My name is Kristof Jacobs from Belgium, and I’m an active member the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 35 in Belgium. Also I am a local WWII history author.Tn this view I search for any kind of info about Flight Officer HJ Stephens based in Edmonton in 1943. Can Anyone help me? Best regards, Kristof
Alexander Blacklock Alexander Blacklock wrote on May 10, 2017
Dear 408 Sqn Association I am a Medical Officer in the RAF. My grandmother\'s half brother was an Englishman called Jack Crammond. He was a Sergeant and was killed on the night of 30-31 Jul 1943 in a Halifax II serial JD365. He was with 408 Sqn. They took off from RAF Leeming. The raid was on Remscheid and apparently caused huge destruction. The aircraft crashed near Düren. His name is recorded on the Runnymede Memorial. I was wondering if the association had any records of this aircraft and its crew? Was everyone lost, or did some survive? Due to the complexities of families it seems little is known about this. I\'m told his wife waited for years in case he came home. Some did after being released from PoW camps. Any information would be gratefully received. Many thanks for your work in keeping the association going. Sqn Ldr Alex Blacklock
Chad Chad wrote on February 8, 2017
I collect RCAF from WW2 and in my hunt I bought a Cap from 1959- from 4096 WO2 KW Loud from 408 Sqn Rockcliffe. I thought it was WW2 but alas its not so I am trying to sell it to someone who collects this era. Its in very nice shape and has the removable rain guard. Do you know of anyone who may want this cap due to its tie to 408Sqn or Warrant Officer Loud? Chad Vernon, BC. My Grandfather was in Pathfinder Force 405 Sqn and was one of the Lancs that bombed Berchestgarden, Bavaria.
Therese Allen Therese Allen wrote on February 3, 2017
Hi, I am looking for any information regarding my uncle, Ronald Ayliffe Schrapel who served two missions in RCAF 408 Squadron. Ron (dec) was Australian but flew with the RCAF, I think he was a rear gunner. I can be contacted at Thank you
Nancy Kelly Nancy Kelly wrote on January 20, 2017
Hello, My father WO II Garfield Kelly was in Squadron 408 during the war.
Andrew Yeates Andrew Yeates wrote on October 4, 2016
I\'m a serving member of the RAF in the UK and I\'m trying to conduct some research into my family history. Ive got a photo that was taken during WW2 in York at the Castle Hotel on Castlegate and the lady in the centre of the picture is my Mums Mum her name was Vera Green she was the landlady at at the Castle Hotel, she\'s sadly now passed on. I would like to try and trace some off the men in the picture, it\'s a long shot but I\'m guessing that they were members of 426 or 408 Sqn as RAF Linton on Ouse is/was the nearest RAF base to York and I know that 426 and 408 served there during WW2. Also could you let me know how I can get the picture published on your website? Many thanks.
Lloyd Truscott Lloyd Truscott wrote on September 28, 2016
Hi, I want to touch base with the Association but there are no contacts listed. On July 29, 2017, me a a few others will be dedicating a Memorial to the crew of 408 Sqn Lancaster LL687 EQ*M at the Spreckens Germany cemetery. LL687 was lost on July 29, 1944 at Spreckens. My Uncle F/S Harold Truscott was MUG on that Lancaster. All crew were killed except RAF Ft Eng David Scott who was PoW ( I have tracked down members of each crewmans families and several of us have decided to erect this Memorial with the support of the local German authorities. I would like to know if the Association wants to be part of this dedication. As a point of interest, Wally Kasper\'s MUG, Andre Blais, was mid under gunner on this Lancaster. Please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you. Lloyd Truscott