Tactical helicopter squadrons prepare for deployment to Mali

Image Gallery News Article / May 23, 2018 From the Royal Canadian Air Force Helicopters and personnel from the Royal Canadian Air Force’s 450 and 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadrons completed an exercise on May 22, 2018, to validate their capabilities in anticipation of an eventual deployment of a Task Force to Mali as part of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). The pre-deployment preparation achieved the integration of the CH-146 Griffon and CH-147F Chinook helicopters, the validation of the Forward Aeromedical Evacuation capability, and certification of the headquarters…

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‘Somebody’s thinking about these boys’: New memorial in German town to honour doomed RCAF bomber crew Memorial to Lancaster LL687 will mark the spot where bomber fell in 1944, killing 7 Canadian airmen By Stephen Smith, CBC News Posted: Jul 09, 2017 6:00 AM ET Last Updated: Jul 09, 2017 1:27 PM ET Audrey Somers has done her best over the last 73 years to put the death of her 23-year-old brother Harold behind her, but it’s caught up with her yet again. ‘That day was like a scythe’: Montreal and the casualty lists of Vimy…

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Go For Shakedown

Go For Shakedown follows my experiences through Afghanistan. It is a fictionalized dialogue between characters based on true events. It aims to capture the human side of war from the absurd situations to the complexity of actual helicopter missions; all through the development of about a dozen characters and their interactions and reactions both on the ground and in the air. Shakedown is a call-sign for the helicopter. The helicopter is a civilian pattern helicopter that was converted into escort gunships by Canada in order to “get the job done.”…

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