408 Sqn Memorial Trenton

7 Thoughts to “408 Sqn Memorial Trenton”

  1. Rebecca Webber


    I am wondering if there is any information on Robert “red” Webber. He was a flight engineer I believe.

    Thank you,

  2. Duane Skuce

    Does anyone recall any info on a William Francis Hayes from Point Edward Ontario Canada ? If you do plz reply.
    Thank you kindly.

  3. George R McKillop

    W R Chorley, Bomber Command Losses of the Second World War. Volume 4 February 7, 1943. 408 RCAF Squadron Halifax HR655 EQ-S. Operation Lorient. Pilolt D W Smith.
    Flight Sergeant Navigator Sayers JF, R53361. KIA 07/02/1943, Age 27, RCAF, Canadian. Burial Guidel Communal Cemetery, Row 4, Grave 15.
    George R McKillop
    Burnaby BC

  4. Desmond Mitchell

    Seeking information on flight sergeant Joseph Fisher Sayers killed 7 February 1943 in France.

    1. Del Badiuk

      Mr Mitchell
      My name is Del Badiuk and I am the curator of the 408 Sqn Archives. I don’t have a lot of information available but here is a quick synopsis.

      F/S Sayers and the other members of the Smith crew from 408 Squadron, flying Halifax II HR-655 coded EQ-S, failed to return from a bombing operation on LORIENT. Airborne 1908 7Feb43 from Leeming. Cause of loss and crash-site not established. All were killed.

      This was thier 4th Operational mission as a crew. If you would like copies of the entries from the 408 Sqn ORB, please contact me at:


    2. Cameron shular

      Hi Desmond Mitchell,
      my great grandfather was Fisher’s brother
      (George), are you related to the family?
      Would love to chat. Send me an email at camshular@gmail.com

    3. Cameron shular

      HI Desmond, my great grandfather (George) is Fisher’s brother. Are you related to the family? I’d love to chat and share any info i’ve found.
      If you see this, send me an email at camshular@gmail.com

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